Monday, June 15, 2009

Village Voice - Truth and Tragedy at "Human Rights Watch 2009" Festival


Truth and Tragedy at "Human Rights Watch 2009" Festival

By Ed Gonzalez

Tuesday, June 9th 2009 at 1:53pm

EXCERPT from the article:

The focus of Tapologo's equally enraged lens is the manner in which deeply ingrained patriarchal attitudes drive South Africa's HIV pandemic. Filmmakers Gabriela and Sally Gutiérrez Dewar peer into the wounded heart of a region where 50 percent of women are infected with HIV and a courageous network known as Tapologo tries to bring dignity to lives that have known none. The pain these women feel as their bodies increasingly betray them is brutal, but what lingers most is the documentary's stinging indictment of the Catholic Church's stance on AIDS and sexuality, ironically communicated via the heartache and fury felt by one of the church's foot soldiers: a bishop working closely with Tapologo.

Estreno de TAPOLOGO en Barcelona; 17a edición de la Mostra Internacional de films de dones de Barcelona

17a edición de la Mostra Internacional de films de dones de Barcelona

(del 11 al 21 de junio de 2009)



Proyección: jueves 18 de junio, 19 h – Espai Bonnemaison

Una de las directoras, Gabriela Gutierrez Dewar, estará presente.