Friday, February 27, 2009

Award for Best Feature Length Documentary, Festival Cine Gualeguaychú, ARGENTINA

Festival Cine Gualeguaychú, Entre Ríos, ARGENTIN

de Gabriela y Sally Gutierrez Dewar
España – Sudáfrica

Friday, February 13, 2009

TAPOLOGO selected for: 10mo. Festival Internacional de Documentales "SANTIAGO ÁLVAREZ in memoriam", Santiago de Cuba.

El cine documental en el mundo contemporáneo
Santiago de Cuba, del 8 al 13 de marzo de 2009

El Instituto Cubano del Arte e Industria Cinematográficos (ICAIC), el Instituto Cubano de Radio y Televisión y la Dirección Provincial de Cine de Santiago de Cuba, anuncian la 10ma edición del FESTIVAL INTERNACIONAL DE DOCUMENTALES “SANTIAGO ALVAREZ IN MEMORIAM, que se realizará en Santiago de Cuba, del 8 al 13 de marzo de 2009.

Dedicado a la memoria de Santiago Álvarez, uno de los más grandes realizadores del cine documental, modelo de creatividad artística y de compromiso con las causas más justas, el Festival alienta la promoción de obras dedicadas a los grandes temas del mundo contemporáneo y a la reflexión sobre el papel del cine documental en nuestra época.

En un momento donde el poder mediático intenta establecer una cultura globalizada y un pensamiento único, el cine documental, al mismo tiempo que se ratifica como género artístico, revalida su capacidad de resistencia frente a la manipulación, y de rescate de las múltiples realidades silenciadas o tergiversadas por los grandes medios.

TAPOLOGO en el Festival Internacional de Cine de Gualeguaychú, Argentina

Me es grato anunciarles que Tapologo está seleccionado para la Secciones Competitiva de nuestro Festival.

Festival Internacional de Cine de Gualeguaychú, Entre Ríos - Argentina
17 al 21 de febrero de 2009

Thursday, February 12, 2009

TAPOLOGO at the Africa Film Festival at the UN Plaza, Katutura, NAMIBIA

Is prison about rehabilitation or mere survival?
Can Africa’s first female head of state rebuild Liberia and build a sustainable democracy?
Why does rape continue to flourish in the Congo

Can a group of former sex-workers, infected with HIV find hope and solidarity amidst the squalor and degradation of the squatter camp, where migrant workers mine the world’s largest source of platinum?

Over four days and five films The Africa Film Festival promises to bring these poignant questions to the foreground with award winning films from Africa and abroad.

From Monday, January 26th to Thursday January 29th, at the UN Plaza in Katutura,

The evenings begin at 19h00 and all films will be followed by an open mic discussion facilitated by a local activist.

Thursday, January 29th TAPOLOGO
Spain/South Africa, 2008, 88 mins, subtitles
Directors: Gabriela & Sally Gutierrez Dewar


Round table in St. Xavier's College, Mumbai.

We enjoyed meeting Sharmi, Meenakshi and Kavita and and discussing around documentary film making with the other film makers and the students who attended the panel.

Human rights and documentary are joining forces to powerful effect. Today activists, filmmakers and artists increasingly use the tools of filmmaking while addressing issues. The result—independent, innovative and technologically advanced documentary cinema. Join the filmmakersas they discuss the space between issues, art and moving images. Hear from experts working globally about the growing use of filmic storytelling in human-rights work.

Breakthrough's Tri-Continental Film Festival, India 2009—"Human Rights in Frames" and The Mumbai Festival bring to you a panel discussion on "THE CHANGING DOCUMENTARY—TECHNIQUES, TRICKS AND TRI-CONT".

The panel consists of five filmmakers whose films are a part of Tri-Continental Film Festival, India 2009. Acclaimed journalist and media critic Meenakshi Shedde will moderate this panel consisting of Lila Ghobady (Forbidden Sun Dance); Gabriela and Sally Gutierrez (Tapologo), Shakuntala Kulkarni (Is it Just a Game? 2&3) and Hansa Thaplial (There Was a Queen). Also present at the discussion will be Kavita Pai (Co-Director, There Was a Queen); and Aram Bayat (protagonist in Forbidden Sun Dance).

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Tapologo" selected for the Roma Independent Film Festival

Dear Gabriela and Sally Gutiérrez Dewar,

We are pleased to inform you that the film "Tapologo" has been selected and
accordingly will be submitted to the jury and will be part of the RIFF
Awards 2009.
The projection of the film will take place between 19/27 March 2009 at the
Nuovo Cinema Aquila in Rome.