Monday, March 16, 2009

Tapologo (UK premiere) London Human Rights Watch Film festival

A moving story of women in South Africa who have turned their tragedy into a tool.

The impact of South Africa’s unprecedented mining boom on the labour camps that support the industry is told through the brutal realities facing women in these communities. Freedom Park squatter camp, situated in the Northwest province, accommodates a migrant workforce that mines the world’s largest single source of platinum. The women in this community service the needs of the male miners as a means of basic survival. A group of HIV-infected former sex-workers have created a network called Tapologo and have learnt to be home-based care-workers, transforming degradation into solidarity and squalor into hope. As we learn each woman’s story, we come to understand how she herself was transformed—from someone who had lost hope into someone who decided to help others in the same situation. An inspiring and emotional tale, TAPOLOGO shows how one’s own experience is often the best source of help for others.
Filmmakers Gabriela Gutierrez Dewar and Sally Gutierrez Dewar in person
Presented in association with ActionAid,

Date and time:
March 21, 2009 4:00pm +0000

For travel to The Ritzy Cinema on Sat Mar 21
On Saturday 21 and Sunday 22 March, the Victoria line will be suspended. A rail replacement bus service will operate between Brixton and Victoria Station. Alternately, one can take Bus 345 or Bus 37 from Clapham Common (Northern Line) to Brixton or walk from Clapham Common to Brixton (20-25 mins).

ICA, The Mall, London
Date and time:
March 22, 2009 4:00pm +0000

Tapólogo gana el X Festival Internacional de Cine Documental "Santiago Alvarez in Memoriam" de Cuba

La producción española Tapólogo, de Gabriela y Sally Gutiérrez Dewar, ha sido la ganadora del Gran Premio del X Festival Internacional de Cine Documental "Santiago Alvarez in Memoriam", celebrado en Santiago de Cuba del 8 al 13 de marzo.

Competían este año en el certamen cubano, que toma su nombre de un prestigioso documentalista, 26 obras de distintos países. Entre todas ellas, el jurado, formado por Alejandra Islas, de México, Pau Montagud, de España, Gisela Busaniche, de Argentina, y Miriam Talavera e Ismael Perdomo, de Cuba, otorgó el Gran Premio Santiago Alvarez a la mejor producción del festival a la obra Tapólogo, de Gabriela y Sally Gutiérrez Dewar, sobre un grupo de mujeres en Sudáfrica infectadas por el virus del Sida que trabajan en un asentamiento en la sabana para atender a las personas que padecen el mismo mal.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

TAPOLOGO to be screened on the International Women's Day at the UK Government's Department for International Development

Tapologo has been requested by the the UK Government's Department for International Development, for a private screening for the employees.